Monday, August 11, 2008

First Brisket

I was invited to go to Lake LBJ for the weekend and I thought it would be a good idea if I brought a brisket for dinner on Friday. I had one in the freezer so I was ready to go.

Here it is before the smoke.

The brisket was around 9lbs. It was a packer cut untrimmed. I did do just a tad bit of fat trimming before I applied the rub. I did cheat on the rub and just picked up some brisket rub from the store. Next time I will create my own. I applied the rub and placed it in a big bag and placed it into the fridge for a rest.
On Thursday I got home from work and took the brisket out of the fridge. I then fired up the BDS. I put in 4 hours worth of smoke, a mixture of hickory and mesquite. Once the BDS was pre-heated I put the brisket in. I set the BDS for 210 degrees. This was around 5pm. After the 4 hours of smoke I then emptied out the drip bowl and refilled with hot water. I went to bed.
When I got up to check the BDS around 7am the IT was around 170. IT reached 185 around 11am. I then used the FTC method(Foil,Towl,Cooler). We left town around 1pm. We got to the lake around 6pm. When it was dinner time a little later I opened up the brisket. It was still warm.
I let the brisket rest for a little bit, and it was ready for slicing.
The crowd was pleased. One reviewer said "Best brisket I have had." Not bad for the first time.

1 comment:

Jetjohnson said...

Mmmm - what's cooking now?

Hope you're ok with Ike on the way.

Love, Sis